Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Lawton town.....

We headed out yesterday morning and made really good time...coming thru Wichita Falls I always think about Mrs. Miller, my good friend at work and her daughter Termekia who was stationed at Sheppard AFB. Wichita Falls was our old stomping grounds. Dennis and I lived here when we were first married. He was working on his master's degree at Midwestern State University. Then, April 10th, 1979 the big one came.....tornado, that is. We lost every thing we owned....which by today's standards wasn't much. I always loved the Wichita Falls area....Next stop....the Red River. Texas and Oklahoma couldn't agree on where the state lines should lie so, they decided to run it right down the center of the river...... For as long as I can remember this is what the Red River has looked like. Once we cross the river we are officially in Oklahoma!Home is home, that is for sure and I do love Oklahoma. I especially love the flat fields....the wheat has been cut already . I used to look in wonder at the huge combines going down the roads. When we lived in Texas on the fish hatchery outside Wichita Falls I did not love getting behind them on those narrow Farm to Market roads tho....

And the toll booth. Goodness the toll has gone up....1.5o to drive thru. Good thing we are not going any further than Lawton. Beyond Lawton to Oklahoma city there are two more and then another one or two on to Tulsa...Driving in Oklahoma is expensive!

We were absolutely tickled to find mom and dad looking so good! Tonight we have finished our second card game....it is one game every night while we are here. That is the was it always is....and of course the competition between the girls and guys is hot and heavy. We taunt and tease each other relentlessly. Girls won last night ....the guys creamed us tonight. But there is always tomorrow night.

Mom and dad.....and mom with her beloved plumeria plant. So for now we are settled in Lawton for a bit. We are going to do some errands tomorrow but then maybe Thursday go out to the Wichita Mountains and do a little rock turning and kayaking........

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