Wednesday, May 29, 2013

First Leg of the journey

First Leg....

Lake Bistineau covered with Giant Salvinia
Our first stop, Monday, was Lake Bistineau, Louisiana.  We tried to camp here once before but it was Memorial Day weekend and of course, there was no room at the Inn....The nice park people did let us take our bikes down and take a turn around the campground and down a lovely bike trail to shake off the road.  We went back into town and got a hotel room.  This year was different, however.  In more ways than one.
First of all the park was pretty much deserted since we were coming in on Memorial Day (eve) and the three day weekenders were gone.
Second, the lake, pristine and full of beautiful cypress tress the last visit was now choked with a very invasive water plant, Giant Salvinia (Salvinia molesta).  It has rendered the lake completely impassable, unuseable and  impossible to enjoy.  Even though the park ranger reported the park was "slammed" over the weekend I had to wonder "WHY?"  
Third the physical grounds are in terrible shape....Dennis and I thought maybe they had experienced storm damage because the trees are down, torn up and bent...further investigation indicates that they may be logging.  We went on a bike ride that turned treacherous- loosing the trail which was somewhat marked with small flags on the ground.  But which ones to follow?  Orange?  Red?  not to both.  Dennis ended up on the ground, tires spinning and arm bleeding.  I had to ditch in a brush pile to keep from running him over.  
End of trail kayaking....But we got a good nights rest and we were up and back on the road by 8:00 a.m.

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On the way in...somewhere on I 44 between Wichita Falls and Lawton I had the great idea that maybe we should check out Buffalo Bob's, an RV park just across from Mom and Dad's assisted living center.
Now, we ALWAYS stay at the Wichita Mountain Wildlife Refuge.  We dream about camping there all year about going, remember our past camping trips there.  It is HOME for Dennis and me.  We dated there, have fished, kayaked and swam in the small lakes that dot the refuge.  We brought our kids here all through the years when we trekked to Lawton....created memories with them and their spouses and now Ella Anne there...and .....and ....we are at Buffalo Bob's....a concrete monstrosity...devoid of trees, buffalo, longhorn, lakes, mountains, memories.  Full instead of well let electric boxes for easy access and hook up should you come in at night, huge fifth wheels and winnebago type bus campers with multiple sliders and awnings, inhabited by construction workers that move from place to place and Casino goers....and in the middle of it all is our little pop up...It reminds me of "Little House" the well known children's story.  But it is close to mom and dad.  We can be at their place in under 60 seconds instead of the 30 plus miles between them and our beloved Camp Doris.  For now....we are parked...cherishing the time with mom and dad until we get on the road again....
Beautiful Buffalo Bobs.....

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Go west old man....

Well...thought I'd give blogging another shot this year...the thing I've learned about blogging's really for the blogger...if someone stops by, great!  But by and large the ramblings on with the electronic pen record our travels and let us look back...
.I skipped last year...our plans were unexpectedly changed when daddy got sick and hospitalized.We were staying for the first time ever in a cabin at T.H. Stone Memorial State Park, Cape San Blas of our most favoritest places in the world when we got the call....but i clung then as i do now to God's promise...."for I know the plans i have for you..." ....So here we are, on the road again...excited about the blessings that always come with our time together ........on the road again...with the ribbon of highway stretched out before us...(can you mix two songs in the same sentence?)