Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Go west old man....

Well...thought I'd give blogging another shot this year...the thing I've learned about blogging is...it's really for the blogger...if someone stops by, great!  But by and large the ramblings on with the electronic pen record our travels and let us look back...
.I skipped last year...our plans were unexpectedly changed when daddy got sick and hospitalized.We were staying for the first time ever in a cabin at T.H. Stone Memorial State Park, Cape San Blas Florida..one of our most favoritest places in the world when we got the call....but i clung then as i do now to God's promise...."for I know the plans i have for you..." ....So here we are, on the road again...excited about the blessings that always come with our time together ........on the road again...with the ribbon of highway stretched out before us...(can you mix two songs in the same sentence?)


  1. I'm so excited to be able to follow your travels; how about some pictures in the days to come?

  2. Ohhhhhhh yes! Pics will definitely be forth coming!

  3. Julie....you know I'm one of your biggest blog fans. I'll follow your ramblings and enjoy!!

  4. I've never followed a blogger before so you've inspired me to try something new as all really good teachers should do, take it away Mrs P!
