Monday, June 21, 2010

off we go

Lawton High School......

We have had a longer than expected hiatus here in Lawton, visiting with the folks and doing some odd jobs around "the old home place." It has kept us exceptionally busy and Dennis has befitted somewhat... you see, blog pals, it seems I have cooked more since coming here than I have in the last six months at home! Pork chops, king ranch casserole, spaghetti, baby back ribs.....eeks, yes, my weight watcher efforts have suffered.

Got the lawn mowed, some spring, summer, winter and fall cleaning, porch fixed, some carpet replaced and lots of other stuff that generally needed doing. Hoping to leave mom and dad in a little better shape than when we got here.

But all work and no play makes for a very dull vacation....we did take some time out for a little paddling.......

Enjoyed Quanah Parker lake and French Lake out in the Wichita Mountains and of course got to take some really good pics of my favoritist animal, the buffalo!

Dennis took my great nephew, Nathan out for a day of turning rocks and herping.....

But today we bid adieu.....and we are ....Back on the road again....


  1. Julie,
    Your adventures sound like so much fun. I have not been to San Antonio is years. I always loved going down to the River Walk. Had to laugh about you saying easy in and easy use to be terrible down there with one way streets! Have a great rest of your trip. Love the posts...Donna

  2. We almost crossed paths! I was in the Witchita Mountains the first week in June.

  3. seeing as i've done it all my life - i'm fully aware of what 'herping' is - but seeing in writing makes it look like some type of strange disease you wouldn't want to tell your family about! ;)
