Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Going UP!

Well, it is overdue, this blog entry.  I thought long and hard about how to record our California adventures and decided to break it up into three separate entries.  (or more, whatever….)
Getting to Zak and Carolyn’s isn't difficult.  For once my memory kicked in and after talking with Carolyn was able to rely on her directions, “navigation” and landmarks from my trip back in the spring …..and Carolyn was outside waiting by the fence as we drove up….what a precious sight!!

We did a bit of navigating and debating as to how and where we should park the camper in the “compound” and finally just backed it in to worry about later…..the getting it out again, that is. 
Now Carolyn and Zak are what you would call the “out doorsey” types.  They love hiking, camping, kayaking and all and Carolyn has really honed this hiking thing.  So after all the hugs and tears and more hugs and kisses we began discussing our upcoming itinerary and tossing around various things to see and do.  Carolyn suggested a hike with her “meet up group” at the Lafayette Reservoir, which doesn't seem too intimidating to me.  I’d hiked a bit there with her in the spring.  This however was to be the “rim trail”.  How hard can that be?  Well, let me say here that while I do regret not bringing my camera along, I think the only good use for it that day would have been to photograph my body for identification…..since I didn't have it I had no choice but to keep going….and if there is one thing Carolyn loves to do it is hike UP…But I am a tough old bird and the pictures are from our second, YES second trip around the rim of the Lafayette Reservoir.  At times this trail is so steep it requires you to creep forward on your tip toes leaning, bent over…..while gasping for breath and praying for your heart to please please stop beating out of your chest.  But It feels so GOOD! 

Another wonderful place Carolyn took us was to the Briones Regional Park….Here again we hiked mostly UP!  This time dragging Dennis along as he turned over rocks and logs hunting for critters.  At the top of rim you can look over the Diablo Valley at Mount Diablo.  Breathtaking…..We took the pups along for that hike as well and they kept up the pace!   (and gave us opportunity to stop every once and a while, why didn’t we take them to the Reservoir?)
yes, that is me and Frank....
Mount Diablo

And a final wonderful hiking location , which is part of the Golden Gate Nation Park System is the Marin Headlands.  The trail head we took began at Rodeo Beach.  We enjoyed standing on the coarse sand and watching surfers trying to catch a wave….which several did, quite successfully. That led to Dennis recalling his days of surfing up and down the California coast in the Big Sur, Monterey area.  Back to the trail……which  winds up (of course) the craggy coastline.  Every turn in the path gave us pause….another glimpse of the wonderful handiwork of our Creator…..

On the way home we stopped for some stunning views of the Golden Gate Bridge…..
Now, just allow me to officially report that our trip began and ended with the Lafayette Reservoir rim trail.  We walked a lower trail at the reservoir as well.  We hiked at the Briones and the  Coastal Traill at the Marin Headlands.  Each walk was between 3 and 5 miles and each seemed to have more ups than downs.  They were challenging, vigorous, beautiful, different in habitat with views and vistas and mountains and wildlife, laughs talks memories shared, memories made……

And each hike allowed Carolyn and me time to reconnect, laugh, talk or just walk in compatible silence.  She has ignited in me the desire to get out and get walking.  I love to run but walking is good too.  And we have plenty of places in and around home worthy of lacing up our hiking boots (which I will be looking to purchase).  Thank you Carolyn, for the hikes, the calories burned so we could eat more cheese  (and yummy yummy cookies!) 

And even tho we were, for the most part "parked" for a bit, each day was a new adventure as we got up to get back on the road again....

Next entry…..Chinatown, Alcatraz and old friends….

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