Monday, June 10, 2013

To kayak or not to kayak, that is the question

 It started with  a picture….maybe one of those calendars with all those great pictures of wonderful places like  the Delicate Arch in Utah, a lighthouse on the coast of Main, I don’t remember.   But I do remember it was a picture…of towering vermilion sandstone cliffs, calm blue green water….a kayaker…and I was hooked.  “I want to go there”.   The caption read, Lake Powell, Arizona.  That image has haunted me for years.  I googled it, oogled over the  pictures …. mesmerized .  “I want to go there”. 
I also don’t remember the first time I mentioned to Dennis that kayaking Lake Powell was, for lack of better terms, a “bucket list” item for me.  We got close to Lake Powell one year when we visited the Arches and Canyon Land and Deadhorse State Park around Moab.  But, like the Grand Canyon, that year we just didn’t quite make it. 
When we left the Grand Canyon yesterday, we chose to take the more scenic route which again brought us in proximity of the Canyon.  We stopped at three or four more overlooks that run adjacent to Highway 64.  It was as awe-inspiring as the day before and we had the opportunity to have our pictures taken again.

 Getting to Lake Powell was no easy feat due to a rock slide that occurred and blocked Highway 89 back in Feburary.  That meant a 45 minute detour on an already hot, dusty and really desolate road.  But we got to our campground (another “buffalo bob’s kinda place) and immediately set out to see where we could put our boats in the water.  First stop, Antelope Point Marina.  We were informed that even to drive in to take a quick look would cost $15.00.  no thanks….Next stop, the Arizona State Visitors Bureau at the  Glen Canyon Dam.  The nice folks in there informed us we would have to get our kayaks inspected for quagga and  zebra mussels….what????  Then they pointed out several nice places to put our boats in.  Off we go for inspection which was kinda funny.  There we were behind a guy with a huge monster boat and the inspector was crawling all over that boat.  Our turn….where’s the boats?  Oh, in the bags in the back of the truck…see, our kayaks are made by Advanced Elements and they are inflatable….we love them!  So portable!   We passed inspection….

 Off to the sites recommended by the nice ladies at the dam….um…..ok…..let me say here that Lake Powell is a BIG BOAT  lake.  Like… boats big…..and the only places to put in are the public ramps that are maybe A MILE LONG!  We didn’t like the looks of any of them ….so we shot off back to Antelope but they were closed. We were hot, discouraged, confused and I felt really bad for Dennis…he tried so hard to find a place….we ate Chinese buffet.  Went back to “camp”.  I was determined to not give up.  Dennis suggested a tour boat.  (hmph). 


We got on up at 6:00 and drove back over to Antelope Point.  Antelope Canyon is supposed to be a good paddle….let’s just try ok?  Ok…..and we did…..and it did not disappoint….and I have to refill my bucket list….after the Grand Canyon and Lake Powell, it is empty….I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves….
antelope canyon

.this plaque is on the "watchtower" at the last stop we made at the Grand Canyon....fitting, isn't it!
And so, we pack up again this morning....looking for a westerly meandering route towards San Francisco and Zak and we get back on the road again...

1 comment:

  1. That looks amazing! So glad for you to be able to realize a dream :).
