Thursday, June 25, 2009

Carlsbad New Mexico

Dennis and a strange crawfish Dennis and a horned lizard
Dennis paddling the Pecos
Julie paddling the Pecos...wait, is that her cell phone in her hand!!!!?

Yeah, it is! We are now at Lake Brantly, just north of Carlsbad. We spent the day yesterday in the Kayaks, paddling up the Pecos toward the dam until the current got to strong and then lazily paddling back down. It was a nice trip and we saw some cool birds and that weird red craw fish Dennis is hoping his friend Chris can identify...... we are at the Carlsbad Public library, catching up on life outside the tent. We are getting ready to head to the Wal-Mart .....which reminds me of somemore pics I want to share with purchase a sandwich to carry up to Carlsbad Caverns. Oh they have food up there but the cost........We did go up last night to watch the bats come out of the cave......could be up to 1 million!!! it is pretty incredible to watch those bats just swirl and swirl in counterclolckwise motion and then, take flight into the dusk.....that is how carslbad caverns was discovered....a young guy out riding his horse thought the hill was on does look like smoke as they ascend....he checked it out and found the hole and began investigating......hence the discovery of the caverns.....I have too tell you he was a brave fellow!

Those other pics.....of Rosewell NM....the whole town gets into the "ailen" thing........I will upload tomorrow as I did not bring in my camera....but I gotta tell you, it is a hoot!!

Tomorrow, off to my brothers in Las Cruces......a bed.....a real bed....we have tented 17 days straight....(ooops, one night in Gloretta-a distant memory.....)
However we are getting our reccomended daily allowance of Mexican Food! : )


  1. As a follower I haven't had anyone to follow for a few days. Welcome back.

  2. Yes, carlsbad is a bit dry in the wifi department. finally found the public library. I must say, as a third time visitor to the cavern, it never never disappoints! simply AMAZING!! Had some of the best durn mexican food tonight! Rojoas.....the chili rellinos were to drive 50 miles for.......

  3. Welcome home guys. crack me up as usual. Never seen Dennis in shorts. Those pics from Arches and Canyonland bring back fond memories of visits to Utah. See you soon. Chris
