Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Well, we have stopped for the night.....At the Glorieta Conference Center in Glorieta New Mexico. For all my Southern Baptist friends out there, you know that this is one of several retreat/conference sites operated by our convention. This is a beautiful center and we are grateful to be sharing it with 400 middle and high school student during their week of "fuge" or Centerfuge. We attended worship with them tonight. The service was spirit filled and we were inspired by the music (Addison Rose) the speaker (?) and the students who attended(!). How can you not worship unhindered in the midst of all this! The message "Stand Firm" was timely and the scriptures from Hebrews 11 & 12 serve to remind us of all those who before us did indeed stand firm and are cheering us on to do the same. We were encouraged to look to those who have stood firm, get rid of that which hinders us, lay aside sin, run with endurance, and most importantly -look to Christ. What a treat to have come here! So, we ditched the tent for a night in leu of a comfy bed, WIFI baby and 400 energetic teens---and an unplanned for encounter with God. Isn't that the best!

P.S. --sadly, we arrived after the book store closed......sniff tee shirt, no "glorieta".

What you ask is a "glorieta"? Well, it is the original name know only to our family, for all
snow globes..... When only a wee lass, Amanda was given a small plastic snow globe from this very place from a woman in our church at the time (First Baptist, Electra Texas)....on it were the words "Glorieta, NM". From that time on Amanda referred to all snow globes as "glorieta's"

Well, it is off to Chaco Canyon, NM tomorrow morning........I imagine there will be no blogging from there......but you never know!

julie in a hat.....
dennis with a snake.....


  1. I am glad you are having so much fun! I love that you are blogging your trip! Be safe! Love ya! Pam

  2. Leave it to you to figure out how to use that new computer of yours on your trip! I am so glad to see you are having a good time. I miss you!!!

  3. Now that is my kind of camping - in a nice comfy bed - checked on the pool today - looks good
    be careful - saw Bethany and of course she had to rub it in that she had received a post card:(
    Bible school is over and I am tired but revived!
