Monday, June 15, 2009

Moab, Utah II

Well, getting this blogging thing down is hard under the best of circumstances....doing it while swatting mosquitoes .......Anyway, Dead Horse Canyon is so named because of the number of well, dead horse remains found at the bottom. Seems long ago wild horses were corralled there and for some reason a number were at one time left and they,uh, perished,hence the name. Flowing through the canyon is the Colorado River. Or the Green river...They converge in Canyonlands, which is my next subject.

Here near Moab are three big 'attractions', if you will....Dead horse Canyon, which was on my must see list, The Arches, again on my must see list and Canyonlands, which, if given the option to choose, I would have skipped if I had to. I did not and I can not tell you what we would have missed. Really, I thought Canyonlands, sounds like Candyland....probably not going to be that interesting. Boy, was I wrong....Dennis and I spent an ENTIRE day being amazed, awed, moved to speachlessness, moved to tears over the beauty and expanse of this place. Words cannot cannot express this place......And we did not even see it all! We hiked, crawled, walked, tiptoed over boulders, up rocks, over crevasses....don't let him fool you folks, dennis is a mountain goat in disguise. I think I have finally found the thing that scares me senseless and makes him laugh, cliffs!!!!!

Tomorrow, The Arches and a dinner and night boat ride down the river....romantic eh?

This picture is for my hat hunters, Amanda and Carolyn....whatcha think....a bandanna and a ballcap!


  1. It is really beautiful and I love the hat - keeping you in my prayers be careful around those cliffs!!

  2. Thanks! Especially keep dennis in your prayers as he seems to be the adventurer here..I am the rock hugger!!

  3. alright aunt Jamima! I love you even though you have a pin head!
