Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Moab, Utah III

double arch
Dennis deep in a rock crevasse

we walked to the very point of this, one mile straight up
EMe sitting on Delicate Arch

The spectacular Delicate Arch....yes that is us in the center

Well, I do not know if the text and pics will align, suffice it to say we spent the entire day yesterday and today, again in mountain goat mode. Yesterday we were at The Arches National Park all day.
Look it up for more info......We were up and literally running again this morning to hike the 1.5 mile straight up hike to Delicate Arch. It was a BEAST to get to but so totally worth it....I hope the pictures can at least begin to convey the awesomeness of the arches we saw. After we completed the Delicate Arch hike (huff, puff) we rode the 25 miles up to Canyonlands to complete some of the hikes up there. Yes, we are exhausted!! And pretty overwhelmed. We have canyon-ed, arched, ahhhhed, ooooohed, stood speechless, laughed at ourselves, doubled over in attempts to catch our breath, I don't know what else these last 4 days here......I can say, if I ever see any more peanut butter and will be too soon! That has been our breakfast and lunch for these days in the hills, mountains, arches, crevasses, rocks......And did you know we meet more folks from across the pond? A HUGE number of people in our campground and on all the trails are from Germany. You know me, I think I have to start a conversation with everyone, and I have been met with more than one blank stare and shrug. The real kicker was the guy showering in the ladies shower room tho! All I could see were two very long, hairy feet!!!! You can bet i hurried in and out of there. A fellow southerner, a gal from South (Souf) Carolina said, oh you know those Europians! haha!

We are off tomorrow, back on the road again, looking for a place to pitch the tent in the Lake Powell region. Hoping to air up those kyaks and do a little floating. Our tired, sore, aching, over worked muscles need the break!! (Translate: Dennis: I need some flat land!)

Till the next post...........


  1. Beautiful pictures! Guess you've had no worries with WW points?! ha ha!
    I am leaving tonight to go with Ron to Mumbai. I will be back on Monday morning.
    Ya'll be safe! Love ya! Pam

  2. You are amazing me Parmley's...with the technology--not the gusto with which you live life. And Pam's comment amazes me too--take off to Mumbai for a couple days--it's hard for me to imagine.

    Future Teachers Academy (PRELIMS) is rockin' and rollin' here. I go to Notre Dame this Sat.--can't wait. Me boys are good--both surviving Frederick taking Chemistry on line!

  3. Hey, we are in Mumbai. Hot and steamy here. I am not blogging our trip! Won't be here long enough. Just 2 days! Love ya!

  4. The pics are amazing mom! You look so tiny sitting on that rock. It really puts the size of the rocks into perspective! Miss y'all! Have a wonderful day! We're heading out to Japanese and donuts this evening! I can't believe how quickly a year has flown by. LOVE YOU!!!!!
