Monday, June 22, 2009

Petrified Forest AZ/ Bottomless Lakes NM

Some pics from the Petrified forest, Lake Lyman Indian ruins, Pie O Neer resturant and Bottomless lakes!

Well, these are some various pics from the Petrified Forest and The Painted desert. It was cool and WINDY but we persevered and traipsed the trails.. Pretty cool seeing all those beautiful pieces of petrified wood and amazing to know that as much as is there, more has been carried off, both prior to the making of this area a nation park and unbelievably, since, as people continue to tote off pocket sized pieces. At left, dennis is examining pottery sherds found and left at an ancient Indian site. the "house" had 80 to 90 rooms and housed about 15 families. Being quite tired of the wind, we headed east to Bottomless Lakes near Rosewell, NM. On the way we stopped at the quaintest little roadside Pie ville, NM. Yes, they served pie.....oh there was peaches n cream (my choice) apple with a oatmeal yummy something streudle (dennis' choice) strawberry rhuebarb, blueberry, banana cream, coconut cream, Almond joy, and several more I cannot remember!! One lady owned the shop, she and another younger gal ran it......and yes, The Waitress was both of their favorite movie!!!! If you gals out there haven't seen it....grab a girlfriend, box of tissues and rent it....its good. Brought back memories of Colorado!

Eating pie at Pie-O-Neer resturant in Pie Ville, NM

So, here we are, paddling around in our yaks in Lake Lea, Bottomless Lakes, NM. We ran into Rosewell this afternoon to do a load of laundry and what do you know? Its a Wash, dry and WiFi!!! Don't ya love folks who are up with technology? Probably head off for Carlsbad tomorrow, maybe. Who knows? We are, after all, on the road!!

Thanks for the comments....this has been fun! Judy, I finished "the book"....yes, good, yes, i continue to dwell on the ending. By the way, I traded it in at the Pie O Neer resturant for another........I will pass it on to you! : ) Amanda,,,,,I try, really I do. the shorts, socks and boots thing. Well, it is just your dad! And Cheryl, I am at the laundry mat, what does that tell you? HA! Love to you all!

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