Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Getting started

Ok, this is way out of my technological comfort zone, as I am definitely a "techo-not" (my term).
But I thought this would be a fun way to journal our trip and keep moderately to not interested folks who may or may not be related up to speed as we here I go.....I think I am going to try to add a picture of us here....Well, how dandy, I did it!
This is me and Den out at the Wichita Mountains. The first part of our trip involved getting to Lawton to complete our promise to Marge....bringing her back to her beloved Oklahoma. Of course, no trip home is complete without the trip to the mountains. We were joined by our children and their spouses, which will remain unnamed and un photo posted until permission is granted. We are now at Black Mesa State Park in the uppermost corner of the Panhandle of Oklahoma. It has been hot and very dry here for quite some time so of course we awoke this morning to......rain and temps in the 50's. HA! We have hiked around pretty much all morning. I truly feel at home in these wide open spaces......It is beautiful in a very rugged, rocky way. There is a small lake in the middle of the drying out stage that we considered putting our kayaks in, but, alas it is cold, WINDY and threatning rain, again. I gotta tell you though, I love this state park commitment to technology. Blogging from a tent! As my daughter said..."that is just wrong!"....


  1. You are too funny! and yes, you may post us you goof ball! Love you!!

  2. we are about to be on the road again...decided Chaco Canyon is farther than anticipated so going to pack up and get a few miles behind us....furher west.....

  3. There's nothing better than writing a blog in a tent unless it's sitting in the big chair reading it on my laptop.

  4. this is great - I can enjoy the great outdoors from the comfort of my home - no bugs, tents, heat, rain, etc. Bunnie said to tell you that she will keep you in her prayers but that she does not blog!!!!

  5. Hey Campers,all critters alive and well here in Herty..Ash says hello. Way cool to see and hear what all you are experiencing. Need more photos, now that you have the hang of it.
    Great Photos!! Excellent learning curve there Julie! Wish we were there to trek with you. Back from a productive trip toBrunswick...bird stuff seems to be the highlite this trip. Buckets and buckets of rain down there, whole trail flooded now, kids NOT THRILLED about wading through "that gross stuff". I did get to dig for a whole day I am a happy camper also.....
    Hey Dennis, I have fresh coffee AND cookies this morning:) Miss Ya, Heidi
